Some just got laid off, others seeking for jobs for the first time, and there are also some who plans on switching their career. Then few, wants to build their own venture. So then which one is the best way to earn a living?
Pernah ada yang bilang ke aku, orang Indonesia lebih pragmatis dan praktis, masalahnya berat, kebutuhan dasar aja sulit terpenuhi, susah kalau mau dikasih cerita fantasi. Pernah juga ada yang bilang, orang Indonesia sukanya…
Aku sering bingung bila ada yang bilang aku tidak fokus, apa aja dikerjain, apa aja dipikirin, segala dicobain, tidak ada yang jadi jago di satu bidang. Argumen yang dipakai seringkali, hanya pinjaman kutipan seperti, “When you try to be everything , you end up…
Sebenarnya aku sedang kesulitan menulis. Untuk kali ini, alasannya karena kebanyakan menulis. Pekerjaanku beberapa bulan terakhir ini menuntutku banyak berpikir sebagai penulis.
What is feeling anyway? It comes from the brain. I won’t be surprised if somebody told me that it was all just a by-product of logic. How come they are two different things from the same source. Brain is a mysterious still.
I love writing lyrics. It’s the best part of making a song. There are things I could only do in lyrics, that can’t be achieved through poetry, script, blog, caption, short story, or any other form. At least, for me.
Dear children I assume I would have, if you ever found me being silent and cold. Aside from the fact that I tend to overwork myself, I worry a lot.
I think about feeling. I think about thinking and ways to express it. I’m afraid, I…
I think we need to address the problem of being labelled as a successful person at a relatively young age. Well, you know, those “under 40” listicles. I think they’re overrated.
Let’s face it. Ideas are cheap, and if that isn’t enough, most of the time, our ideas are actually suck. We tend to think of something that excites us but then we lost interest along the way because, either we forget why we do it in…
There is an unlimited chance for you to find some sort of challenges to overcome. It can be a divine intervention like pandemic, or a rather tiny little annoyance like stomach ache, or somewhat in between like financial…