How to Get a Job at HelpSystems Armenia.

Fortra Armenia
Fortra Armenia
Published in
7 min readOct 7, 2019


Ever wondered what the hiring process is at HelpSystems Armenia? If so, keep reading this article for a detailed description.

Our hiring process is established to help us recruit bright people and give them a complete understanding of who we are, what we do, and what we expect from them. It is structured and transparent, which helps anyone interested in joining our team have equal opportunities and an ability to start a professional journey with us.

Here are the steps we follow:

1. application submission

2. application screening

3. interview

4. technical assessment

5. virtual interview

6. interview with the General Manager

As you can see everything starts with the application, which gives you an opportunity to tell us all about yourself and make the first impression.

1. Application

Before applying for the position you are interested in, follow the tips suggested below.

No rush at this point:

  • browse our open positions,
  • check the requirements for the positions you are interested in,
  • identify the role that fits the best with your background, strengths and the challenges you want to overcome,
  • make a self-assessment by comparing your background, strengths, and competencies against the job requirements,
  • understand why you want to work for HelpSystems Armenia (learn more about us, our products and values, useful links- YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn).

We’ve noticed that candidates have greater success when their experience strongly matches our job requirements. Your curiosity and courage are appreciated, but it can be confusing when you apply for vastly different jobs at the same time. For example, if you apply for both QA Engineer and Software Engineer positions, we have a hard time guessing your experience level and your motivation. So, try to be consistent and true to your dreams!

2. Screening

The application screening all revolves around resumes/CVs. Statistically, recruiters and hiring managers spend on average 6 seconds to make the fit/no fit initial decision. You really need to stand out to catch their attention.

So, we think it’s worth sharing some hints to avoid those recurring mistakes candidates make while applying for our vacancies.

Make your resume/CV accurate, simple and well structured.

Give us your valid contact information, which includes your name, contact number, email address, and relevant social media account links.

While mentioning your professional work experience, keep the following format: company name, position title, the period of time, main functions and accomplishments. We review your application having the job requirements in mind. So, the most helpful document while writing this section is the job description. Align your skills and experience with it.

We very often receive resumes from recent graduates or candidates who are switching their careers. To be honest most of their resumes are not good enough. To gain credits in such cases, we recommend including university-related projects or coursework that demonstrate relevant skills and knowledge, mentioning internships and volunteering work you did is also a good idea.

And if you did some projects worth including in your resume, be specific by giving us more details on used technologies, the scale of those projects, what collaboration was involved as well as the outcome. Otherwise, if you haven’t done any project yet, start from creating your GitHub account.

While mentioning your education, include the university name, specialization, graduation dates, degrees, awards, and certifications.

As an international company, a good knowledge of English is vital for us. We recommend including English knowledge in your resume by mentioning a certain proficiency level.

Additional tips:

Keep your resume/CV short (1–2 page) and in PDF format.

Use reverse-chronological order for all sections.

Don’t include personal information, such as age, marital status, religion, etc. As we don’t make the screening or hiring decision based on these factors.

3. Interview

Remember your resume won’t get you the job; it will get you the job interview. At this stage, we’d like to get to know you better and give you a chance to ask us questions. Our competency-based interview process is intended to help us minimize unconscious bias while also making sure we hire people who will thrive in our environment.

If you want to know what to expect at this stage, read the important points mentioned below:

  • Invitation: If you are shortlisted, we will reach out to you to schedule the 1st interview, afterward you will receive an interview invitation letter, which includes names and positions of your interviewers, our location, interview date and time.
  • Interview structure: First you will be introduced to the Company and our benefits package. Then be prepared to discuss anything listed on your resume, answer 1–2 questions in English and have a fully technical interview. Our interviews are a mixture of competency-based questions and discussions related to your previous experience and the challenges you’ve encountered.
  • Interviewers: Depending on the role, you will meet with anywhere from two to four HS staff members. Direct managers and HR representatives are the main interviewers, sometimes we also invite future team members to participate. All interviewers will check how well your background and skills meet core competencies and our culture and assess your potential for growth.
  • Any questions: We give you a few minutes at the end of each interview to answer questions you might have.

Of course, technical skills and experience are important points while making the final decision, but there are several soft skills that we value the most:

communication skills,



To ensure that you are the candidate we are looking for, you should:

  • Check-in: Arrive 5 minutes early, be sure to be on time and to catch your breath.
  • Be yourself: We invite you to come as you are.
  • Do your homework: We’ve noticed that successful candidates don’t stop at understanding the position they are interviewing for, but the industry, the Company and the way it works.
  • Be prepared:

Understand the requirements of the position you will be interviewing for, and closely examine how your skills and abilities support that position.

Then think of specific experiences you have had that are relevant to the requirements of the position. When you are formulating your stories, use the “STAR” method to help you.

Demonstrate your thinking process and that you’ve taken risks, succeeded, failed and grown over the course of your career.

Know where you want to grow and tell us about your passions outside of work.

  • Come armed with questions: You’re interviewing us as much as we’re interviewing you. Thoughtful questions demonstrate your level of understanding, your interest and help make sure HelpSystems is a good place for you.

4. Technical assessment

Candidate assessments vary for different positions: a small project for Software Engineers, testing tasks for QA Engineers, content creation for Digital Marketing Specialists, etc. As most of our employees are in the development department, I’ll share more insight into those technical assessments.

First, note that assessments are held in-house and after completing those tasks your future lead will have a short discussion about your solutions. So be prepared to talk through your solutions in-depth and take into account some points that we value the most:

  • your coding/testing skills and technical areas of expertise including tools or programming languages,
  • your theoretical knowledge of programming/testing
  • your analytical and logical thinking,
  • conceptual understanding of computer engineering even if the job title and responsibilities require some specific technical knowledge or experience.

5. Virtual interview

The aim of this stage is to introduce candidates to their remote teammates. These virtual interviews are hosted in-house. Even though they are online, don’t forget to review your traditional interview skills. We recommend having answers prepared to some of the more common interview questions and examples in case they ask for specifics.

After summing up common virtual interview mistakes, here we suggest some tips you may follow to do your best:

Approach it as normal- The reality is that all interview stages are equal and should all be approached with the same importance. Any due diligence that you would perform for an in-person interview applies for a virtual interview.

Calm your nerves- Practice your main talking points if you’re nervous and remember to slow down, it can be easy to talk over people on online calls.

Don’t be shy- If you are experiencing any technical or sound issues, inform your interviewer right away. You do not want to run the risk of incorrectly answering a question that you did not hear accurately.

6. Interview with the General Manager

This is almost the finish line; the peak of the mountain is visible — you just need to climb it!

As mentioned before, prepare for all interviews with the same attitude — show your best and why you’re the candidate we should hire. Our General Manager pays attention to the following qualities:

Sense of responsibility — it should be well defined in the candidate’s previous work or experience.

Loyalty — the candidate should have a dedication to the team, idea, people, project.

Emotional intelligence — we look at whether the candidate can control emotions, can resolve issues calmly.

Maturity — if the person is mature enough in things that they want and pursue. A good example can be an existing long-time hobby. People who do have defined hobbies and love them, tend to be more mature. Maturity in terms of what they want as a professional. For youngsters, this might not be the case, but these should be substituted with clear willingness to learn.

If you successfully complete all these steps, you’ll get an offer! Congratulations! We invite the candidate to extend the offer to them in person and then send the official job offer document by email after a discussion.

What’s next? Well, accept the offer and let the journey begin!

Keep in touch with HelpSystems Armenia on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

