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Forum Education Guidebooks
3 min readMar 6, 2018

Welcome to Forum Guidebooks, a series of free, online resources offering insights into every step of academic, standardized test, and college prep. Each of these guidebooks is the work of Forum Education, New York City’s highest-paying and most highly-vetted tutoring agency. These are the resources we offer to Upper East and West Side families—now available for everyone.

Below, you’ll find test prep guides that focus on common questions and timelines regarding the major tests (“Test Prep Guides”), specialized strategies you probably won’t hear about anywhere else (“Test Hacks”), and the resources you need to get extra time accommodations (“Extra Time Guides”).

Test Prep Guides

Common questions and timelines regarding the major tests
by Thomas Howell and David Phelps, Forum Founders

  1. Why Our Diagnostics Save Time and Boost Scores
    Forum’s ACT and SAT mock test diagnostics can pinpoint issues and boost scores better than any other. Take a look to see why.
  2. General Test Planning & Strategy FAQ
    Answers to test prep questions. How long should it take? How often should you meet? What’s the difference between good and great tutors?
  3. Middle School Test Prep Calendar
    Have you started ISEE/SSAT prep too late? Follow our calendar to ensure you’re on-track from 6th to 8th grade.
  4. High School Test Prep Calendar
    Are you on track for SAT/ACT prep? Follow our calendar to plan your progress from 9th to 12th grade.
    Answers to common questions about ISEEs & SSATs. What are their differences? What’s a good score? (And more).
  6. ACT & SAT FAQ
    Answers to common questions about ACTs & SATs. What makes for good prep? What score do you need? (And more).
  7. SAT Subject Tests FAQ
    Answers to common questions about SAT subject tests. Which should you take? Do you need them? What score do you need? (And more).
  8. EF and LD Test Prep Strategy
    for students with executive functioning issues or learning differences, test prep should be customized. Here’s how.

Test Hacks

Specialized strategies you won’t hear about anywhere else
by Forum’s Test Prep Team

  1. Which SAT II is right for you?
    Our guide to each of the major SAT subject tests: when you should take it, whether it’s hard, and what you need to do to prepare.
  2. A Guide to Sending Scores
    You’re supposed to report all your ACT and SAT scores to colleges. Do you have to? How many should you report?
  3. Use This Test Watch
    Test prep is as much about timing as content. That’s why top test takers use this watch to manage time.
  4. Download this Program on Your Calculator
    You know you need a calculator for the ACT & SAT. Did you know you could have this program installed with your formulas?
  5. Choosing between the GMAT, GRE, and GMAC
    You want to go to business school for an MBA. Which test should you take? Your guide to the differences between GMAT, GRE, and GMAC.
  6. How To Master the Lit and History Subject Tests
    Contrary to popular belief, the literary and history SAT IIs don’t require expert knowledge. They require these sharp test strategies.
  7. Play to Your Strengths
    How should you spend the week before the test? Consider drilling the easy questions rather than the hard.
  8. Prep for the ISEE/SSAT in 7th Grade
    The best ISEE and SSAT test-takers have a secret: they start prep early, and they know more going in. Here’s why.

Extra Time Guide

The resources you need to get extra time accommodations
by Alicia Carpenter, Test Prep Specialist

  1. Extra Time: Frequently Asked Questions
    When is it too late to apply? Is it easier to get extra time on ACT or SAT? Do I need my school’s support? (And more).
  2. Extra Time Guide: The College Board (SAT / PSAT / APs)
    Your guide to getting extra time for the SAT: what you need, when to apply, and how to handle an appeals process.
  3. Extra Time Guide: ACT
    Your guide to getting extra time for the ACT: what you need, when to apply, and how to handle an appeals process.
  4. Sample Tutor Letter Petitioning for Extra Time
    Tutors can support students seeking extra time accommodations with a letter like this one.
  5. Sample Parent Appeal Letter Petitioning for Extra Time
    Parents can support students seeking extra time accommodations with a letter like this one.
  6. Sample Student Letter Petitioning for Extra Time
    Students can support students seeking extra time accommodations with a letter like this one.

