Since O.D.D. Doesn’t Exist…

Oppositional Defiant Disorder doesn’t exist, but children needing connection do

Jillian Enright
Fourth Wave


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Complex families: I see you

To fellow parents who have struggled, I see you. My son is an intense kiddo. He’s twice exceptional: gifted and neurodivergent (confirmed ADHD and anxiety, possibly also Autistic). We’ve certainly had our share of power struggles and challenging behaviours.

Please know that when I say O.D.D. does not exist, I am not saying it’s the parents’ fault that parenting their child is incredibly challenging at times. Sometimes we do everything right and our child still has a meltdown. We can’t be perfect, and neither can they.

When I say O.D.D. is an unhelpful label, I in no way wish to minimize the heartbreak that families experience when their children have complex needs and behaviours. I’m one of those parents, and we’re one of those families.

What I am saying is that, while we can’t just pass it off as “bad parenting” (it’s not). In fact, researchers have been saying for years that oppositional behaviour from children is more a result of their need to have some autonomy over their lives than it is a result of problematic parenting.

“…active resistance to parents often reflects children’s motivation…



Jillian Enright
Fourth Wave

She/they. Neurodivergent, 20+ yrs SW & Psych. experience. I write about mental health, neurodiversity, education, and parenting. Founder of Neurodiversity MB.