Top Stories published by Fractured Atlas Blog in 2012

The Problem with “New Models”

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

Over the summer, Michael Kaiser published a series of posts complaining about a lack of specificity in the ongoing chatter about a need for “new models” in the arts. I responded on this blog, both…

The Wrong Way to Protect IP

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

For a few months now we’ve been tracking a couple of ostensibly artist-friendly bills in Congress that are designed to enhance the ability of copyright-holders to enforce their rights online by…

New Models Redux

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

In our last episode, I responded to Michael Kaiser’s frustration with “new models” chatter. Well, this week he’s back with New Models, Part 2, and you knew I wasn’t going to just sit here (even if I am supposedly on…

Swimming Downstream in the Current of History

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

Michael Kaiser is fed up with the ceaseless chatter about the need for “new models” in the arts.

If I hear one more pundit or read one more blog…

My Data’s Bigger than Your Data

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

Perhaps the hottest lingo in Silicon Valley these days is “big data”. Once upon a time, the only folks who needed to worry about massive, unstructured (or semi-structured) data sets were…

What’s Left Over? Art.

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

This is perhaps a little old, but it’s thought-provoking enough that I had to share it: Colby Cosh on artisan chocolate and social revolution. Cosh’s blog post/essay muses on some very big ideas about the…

More Arts Groups Sign On to Oppose SOPA/PIPA

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas

Last week I told you why Fractured Atlas is opposing SOPA and PIPA, a pair of bills in Congress that claim to protect the rights of artists but would be both ineffective…