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Better Call Saul

Frame Rated
Frame Rated
Film & TV reviews, features, and retrospectives. https://linktr.ee/framerated
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Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.13 — ‘Saul Gone’

Jimmy is captured by the police…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.12 — ‘Waterworks’

Kim makes a return trip to…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.11 — ‘Breaking Bad’

Jimmy can’t resist…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.10 — ‘Nippy’

In the future, Jimmy plots to scam…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.9 — ‘Fun and Games’

Gus deals with accusations…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.8 — ‘Point and Shoot’

An unexpected visitor…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.7 — ‘Plan and Execution’

Jimmy and Kim deal with…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.6 — ‘Axe and Grind’

Kim and Jimmy enlist a…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.5 — ‘Black and Blue’

While business booms for…

Television Review

BETTER CALL SAUL, 6.4 — ‘Hit and Run’

Despite assurances from the…