Top Stories published by Fred’s blog in 2016

The Cantonment state

Editor’s note: This piece originally came out for Himal magazine in February 2014. The editors did a very good job with it, but they did decide to take out a couple of the jokes — but leave in the punchlines! I therefore think it reads slightly oddly. So here’s the original.


Edit: this list is pretty out of date now, I keep the one on my website up to date.

Other articles I have written:

Asian Affairs — “Are the reasons for the failure of statebuilding in Afghanistan specific to the country or characteristic of South Asia more…

Fred’s blog
My name’s Fred Carver. I used to work in politics, now I work in human rights. This is a private blog, not linked to my day job, where I write about world politics, electoral systems, or anything else that occurs to me.
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