How to Fight a Price War

It’s much simpler than you’d anticipate

Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator


Image by Bonnie Kittle from Unsplash

Did you know a whopping 72% of businesses that jump headlong into price wars end up watching their profits plummet within just a couple of years?

Quite a startling fact, isn’t it?

It paints a pretty clear picture: getting caught up in a price war might just be a fast track to diminishing your hard-earned success.

As the wise Michael Porter pointed out,

True strategy isn’t just about being the best at what you do — it’s about being distinct, carving out that special niche that sets you apart from the rest.

Now, you might be wondering why so many keep falling into the price war trap if it’s so detrimental. It’s simple, really: at first glance, it seems like the easiest way to stay ahead.

But we know better. It’s a slippery slope that can erode the unique identity of your agency before you even realize it.

So, how about we explore this together?

Ready to get started?

Choose Your Battles Wisely

Do you recall that old adage, “Don’t fight every battle like it’s the war”? It’s age-old advice, yet still profoundly relevant.

In the words of the renowned business author, Seth Godin,

“Strategy is deciding what not to do.”

Sometimes, our instinct might scream to dive headfirst into a price feud, especially when competitors start dropping their rates like hot potatoes. But wait a minute! Should we?

Price wars aren’t always about who’s the cheapest; they’re often about perceived value.

Think of it this way — Louis Vuitton and Walmart both sell bags, but they’re playing entirely different games. Now, you might be wondering: How do you decide when to engage and when to step back?

Here’s the skinny:

  • Know Your Worth — If you’ve invested in providing premium services, don’t undercut that with a slashed price tag.
  • Market Dynamics — Understand the market you’re in. If everyone’s going low, can you differentiate in other ways?
  • Sustainability — Sure, you could lower your price today, but can you sustain that rate and still thrive?

“The agency with the lowest price wins the client.” Sounds good, but not true!

The agency that best communicates its value often wins the day.

Compete on Quality

Ever heard the phrase, “You get what you pay for”? It’s more than just a saying; it’s a testament to the power of quality.

Legendary management consultant Peter Drucker once declared,

“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It’s what the customer gets out of it.”

Now, imagine this: Two coffee shops stand side-by-side. One’s selling a $1 generic cup of joe, while the other offers a $5 artisanal blend with a flavor profile that dances on the tongue.

Both cater to the coffee crowd, but their value propositions? Worlds apart.

Dipping your agency’s prices might seem like an easy way to gain an edge, but is it? Let’s be real here; when we compromise on price, we often compromise on value.

And that’s not a game any top-notch agency should be playing.

Here’s the tea on competing with quality:

  • Invest in Expertise — Continuously train your team. The sharper their skills, the higher the value they bring.
  • Feedback Loop — Regularly gather client feedback. It’s a goldmine for understanding what they truly value.
  • Show, Don’t Tell — Rather than just talking about your high-quality services, showcase success stories, or offer trial services to let clients experience it firsthand.

Let’s debunk a sneaky myth — Quality is subjective.

While there’s some truth to that, consistent quality has tangible, measurable outcomes, be it in client retention, brand reputation, or increased referrals.

Focus on the Clients

Picture the Apple brand for a moment.

Sure, they sell top-tier tech, but what truly set them apart, especially in their transformative years under Steve Jobs, was their dedication to understanding the consumer.

Jobs famously said,

“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backward to the technology.”

It wasn’t about pushing tech for tech’s sake; it was about crafting products that resonated deeply with the users, understanding their desires, even before they did.

That’s the magic of truly focusing on the client.

Now, bring this back to your agency. When you’re in a pitch, or strategizing your next campaign, are you thinking about your tools, your metrics, your achievements?

Or are you laser-focused on the client’s vision, their needs, and how best to bridge the gap between their current reality and their desired future?

Apple’s monumental success wasn’t built overnight, and it certainly wasn’t built on tech alone. It was nurtured by consistent efforts to understand, empathize with, and deliver to their user base.

It’s a shining beacon for agencies everywhere: It’s not about what you bring to the table; it’s about how you align it with your client’s needs.

But here’s a trap many fall into, More clients mean more success. Not necessarily. It’s not about the quantity but the quality of relationships you maintain.

Here’s What Else to Consider

“Diversify your strengths but focus your message.”

Simon Sinek.

In the convoluted world of agency competition, where new tools, strategies, and tactics emerge every day, it’s tempting to want to be everything to everyone.

But is that sustainable? Or even desirable?

Take the case of Netflix. Their early days were dominated by DVD mail services. They could’ve expanded into video games, VHS, or even music CDs.

Instead, they saw the future of streaming and honed their focus. Today, they’re not just a company; they’re a verb. “Netflix and chill,” anyone?

But beyond strategy and vision, there are fundamental aspects that agencies often sideline —

  • Culture — Does your team love coming to work? A motivated team can do wonders.
  • Innovation — How frequently do you revisit and reinvent your strategies?
  • Ethics — In the race to the top, it’s easy to sidestep values. But remember, reputations take ages to build and moments to shatter.

The essence here is not just about the ‘doing’ but the ‘being’.

How does your agency stand in the grander scheme of things? Are you a trend follower or a trendsetter?

As you chart out your agency’s path, keep these considerations at the forefront. Remember, in the end, it’s not about having a bigger toolkit but wielding the right tools with precision, passion, and purpose.

Final Thought

Navigating the tumultuous waters of agency competition isn’t just about dodging the treacherous waves of price wars. Instead, as we’ve unearthed:

  • Pick Your Battles — Not all wars are worth the fight.
  • Prioritize Quality — Stand out with unrivaled excellence.
  • Client Relationships — It’s more about connection than mere transactions.

But as you steer your ship in these waters, a pertinent question lingers: While these strategies are effective, how can one encapsulate it all in a proposition that’s hard to refuse?

How do you ensure your clients not only see your value but are compelled to say “Yes”?

That’s where our Magic Proposal Methodology steps into the limelight.

Let’s break away from theory for a moment. You’ve seen the stats. You’re acutely aware of the competition. You might have even brushed against the sting of a rejected proposal or two.

But what if there was a formula? A method tested, refined, and proven?

The Magic Proposal Methodology is more than just a name — it’s a testament to a winning strategy we’ve embodied.

With it, we’ve secured projects spanning the gamut, from humble sums to eye-watering figures.

  • A template that’s won projects worth over $758,000 in a single year? Check.
  • Customization that speaks directly to your client? Absolutely.
  • A follow-up that resonates rather than repels? You bet.
Screenshot by author

You see, it’s not about crafting just another proposal. It’s about creating an irresistible offer, steeped in understanding and value.

So, as we round off our journey on competitive strategies, here’s a tantalizing proposition: Why merely compete when you can dominate?

Why wade through the murky waters of uncertainty when there’s a tried-and-true roadmap available?

The Magic Proposal Methodology unfolds in six unequivocal steps:

  1. Kickstart with Our Template: Get your hands on the very proposal template that clinched us a cool $758,000 in contracts in just one year.
  2. Effortless Customization: Banish uncertainty. Our template demystifies the process, guiding you on precisely what to pen down.
  3. Three-Tier Review: Before hitting ‘send’, we shepherd you through a rigorous 3-step vetting process, ensuring your proposal isn’t just good but stellar.
  4. Dispatch with Confidence: Propel your proposal into your client’s inbox, fortified with the confidence that it’s sculpted for success.
  5. Masterful Follow-Up: No more second-guessing. We arm you with a tried-and-tested follow-up sequence, striking the perfect balance between persistence and professionalism.
  6. Reap the Rewards: With the heavy lifting done, all that’s left? Sit back and watch the magic unfold. The results? They’ll speak for themselves.

Are you ready to channel the magic? To leap beyond the ordinary and craft proposals that aren’t just read but acted upon?

Dive in. Elevate. Achieve.

GET INSTANT ACCESS to the Magic Proposal Methodology



Wayne Mullins
Agency Accelerator

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉