Top Stories published by Froont design in 2016

Product update: New slideshow, Popup links and more

We are improving Froont on a daily basis. This is where you’ll find our updates big and small on what’s new regularly.

We just launched a new, more functional Slideshow widget, added Links to popups and the ability…

Product update: Open images in a lightbox

We are improving Froont on a daily basis. This is where you’ll find our updates big and small on what’s new regularly.

We skipped couple of weeks for our product updates. That's because we are working one something awesome that we…

Product Update: Custom 404 pages

We are improving Froont on a daily basis. This is where you’ll find our updates big and small on what’s new regularly.

Product update: Background videos, Galleries, Lists

We are improving Froont on a daily basis. This is where you’ll find our updates big and small on what’s new regularly.

Background videos

Product update: New features and new pricing

We are improving Froont on a daily basis. Yet we were sharing the big news only once a month via email. That’s about to change. This is where you’ll find our updates big and small on what’s new regularly.

Data collection