Go to Future Crunch
Future Crunch
Intelligent, optimistic thinking for the future. We help people understand what's on the frontiers of science and technology, and what it means for human progress.
Note from the editor

Intelligent, optimistic thinking for the future. We help people understand what’s on the frontiers of science, technology and human progress, and what they mean for humanity.

Go to the profile of Angus Hervey
Angus Hervey
From Melbourne and Cape Town, with love. Political economist and journalist, and co-founder of futurecrun.ch
Go to the profile of Tane Hunter
Tane Hunter
Cofounder of Future Crunch & Lighthouse Data Science, bioinformatician, cancer researcher, science communicator, with love!
Go to the profile of Future Crunch
Future Crunch
Field guides for the #nexteconomy. Intelligent, optimistic thinking. We share what's on the frontiers of science & technology, and what it means for humanity.