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G4 Living Lab
G4 Living Lab
The future seeds for growth don’t have to be created, they are laying dormant within us all, people or society. G4 — regenerative systemic societal transformationnal accelerator — renewing inclusive partnerships.
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This is a problem that educational chatbots can solve
Chatbots and The Future of Education
Efe Nakpodia

Yes you are right, Chatbot can solve, and more over, Info BotReady & Do CAMP see the project Oyoty (in french). The single parental control I do recommend ! Because not enslaving children, but helping them being self-responsible. Not blocking, just suggest and ask for ?

  • If we want to kill creativity and self-confidence, when…

SI News d’avril 2017

Un partage de Raymond Morel

Dans le domaine numérique, des extraits et recommandations de titres et sujets, avec un aperçu, des liens (non activables, faire copier-coller) dans le PDF pour plus de détails… Also parts in English !