What is the Power of Resource Сalendars in Project Management?

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker
Published in
6 min readFeb 23, 2024

Businesses all over the world utilize a resource calendar to empower their work processes and asset management. This strategic tool helps teams avoid overloading, cost oversights, serious resource constraints, and frequent project delays.

What is the power and role of resource calendars in the modern project management environment? Below you’ll find the answers and useful facts that will help you succeed.

What is a resource calendar? 📅

A resource calendar serves as a graphical representation showcasing the availability, deployment, and assignment of project resources within an organization. It offers an overview of the distribution or booking of work assets across a certain timeframe.

Within the realm of project management, this kind of calendar transcends mere dates and appointments; it embodies a vital mechanism that maintains team-wide awareness throughout all phases of the project lifecycle.

The significance of resource calendars amplifies when they are harmonized with additional schedules and timelines. Ensuring their alignment with other calendars is essential to prevent any disarray or overlap.

What is the difference between a resource calendar and a project calendar?

Resource calendars and project calendars are essential PM tools, typically presented as graphical charts. At a glance, they offer valuable insights. Created during the project’s planning phase, these calendars are regularly updated throughout its duration.

  • A resource calendar outlines when specific resources are available, focusing on the utilization of all project materials and assets.
  • A project calendar details shifts, working days, and non-working days, centering on team scheduling.

Regular updates by managers to both calendars are vital. Neglecting updates can lead to scheduling conflicts with resources from concurrent projects, potentially hindering project workflows.

The accompanying image provides a detailed view of both types of calendars.

Project calendar vs resource calendar

Key goal of a typical resource calendar

The primary goal of a standard resource calendar is to outline the total availability of project resources and assess the sufficiency of necessary assets.

Such a calendar frequently uncovers situations where a project might be unviable because of constraints on resources. It indicates that adjustments in the project’s timeline, scope, allocation of resources, or expenses are required.

Main advantages of a resource calendar

There are some vital advantages that a resource calendar provides. Here they are:

  • Streamlined resource usage. A resource calendar is key for efficiently managing project resources within deadlines. It boosts productivity and ensures strategic resource allocation based on project needs.
  • Better resource insights. Online resource management tools enhance visibility with calendars that show availability and tasks, improving transparency and enabling quick identification and resolution of resource issues.
  • Improved scheduling. By mapping asset availability, managers can create accurate schedules, prevent overbooking, and ensure a balanced workload, reducing downtime and burnout risks.
  • Cost efficiency. Utilizing a resource calendar aids in managing finances by organizing resources wisely and cutting unnecessary expenditures, leading to optimized budget use.
  • Fewer conflicts. Resource calendars help spot and resolve allocation conflicts early, minimizing schedule disruptions by allowing quick resource reassignment.
  • Smarter decisions. Access to resource availability data through a calendar aids in informed decision-making, improving a resource management plan.
  • Better teamwork. Clear and transparent resource allocation processes enhance understanding of team roles, fostering a collaborative environment aligned with resource availability.

Typical components of a resource calendar

A well-prepared resource calendar ensures that projects are completed in the right manner. It usually includes the following components:

  • Resource ID. It includes name, title, and details like capacity and skills in a calendar for clear identification.
  • Availability info. It highlights when work assets are available, including shifts and off-times, to plan tasks and avoid scheduling conflicts.
  • Time slots. They help to organize calendars by days, weeks, or months to easily view resource allocations.
  • Workload info. It shows how resources are allocated to tasks, helping to manage and balance workloads effectively.

Also read: Resource allocation methods

H2: 8 steps to prepare a powerful resource calendar

There are certain steps to be taken on the way to generating a robust resource calendar.

Here are these steps:

Step 1. Know your resources

Begin by collecting all relevant information regarding the resources you wish to incorporate into your project. These resources may include hardware, facilities, workforce, materials, and any additional project management resources required to complete specific tasks.

Next, define the purpose of your future resource calendar. It’s important to identify whether it will be used for a single project, multiple projects, or continuous operational tasks.

Step 2. Pick up the type of calendar

Before you start generating your resource calendar, deciding its framework is crucial.

Some prefer manually crafting their calendars with columns, bars, and cells, and setting time slots, filling in each detail by hand. Yet, our confidence lies in the efficiency of digital solutions. That’s why we advocate for the adoption of robust project management software to devise your resource calendar. The only step left is selecting the right tool.

Step 3. Select and try a resource management tool

Among the variety of project management software solutions, it’s essential to pick the one that will best suit your business needs. Studies show that many project managers select a Gantt chart for managing tasks and resources.

One of the best Gantt chart software that comes with planning features and personal calendars is GanttPRO.

GanttPRO with a resource calendar

Besides a visually appealing Gantt chart with resource allocation, this resource management software offers strong project management features useful in different industries and spheres including construction, events, IT, marketing, manufacturing, and more.

Step 4. Create and systemize tasks

Visualizing tasks marks the next phase in developing a resource calendar.

Begin by segmenting your project into tasks and subtasks that are easy to manage. Utilizing a work breakdown structure (WBS) will facilitate a professional approach to this segmentation. GanttPRO offers a convenient drag-and-drop functionality, enabling you to easily establish task dependencies and position project milestones within a Gantt chart.

GanttPRO allows for adding team members as well as incorporating virtual resources, such as personnel, materials, facilities, etc.

Step 5. Enhance resource allocation

Now is the moment to distribute resources to your projects, tasks, or events. GanttPRO facilitates the delegation of particular team members or resources to specific project activities, allowing for the definition of precise periods or durations for each assignment. You have the flexibility to allocate one or multiple resources to every task.

Step 6. Use a personal calendar

GanttPRO offers personal calendars. They simplify the tracking of daily activities and work hours for every project resource. With their help, you can manage seasonal holidays, days off, vacations, and other events and dates.

Resource calendar in GanttPRO

Step 7. Balance workload

Ensure your team’s tasks are evenly distributed by accessing the workload space.

GanttPRO facilitates the centralized tracking and balancing of resource workloads. Within this space, the workloads of all team members are automatically tallied, making it straightforward to reassign tasks among colleagues as necessary.

Step 8. Review a calendar

Keep your resource calendar up to date with the most current information. It’s critical to monitor the availability of assets, modify allocations as necessary, and ensure the calendar remains accurate during the project.

Bear in mind that your resource planning calendar is meant to evolve; therefore, frequent reviews are crucial.


Managing and overseeing resources can sometimes be erratic and pose significant challenges for project managers. Yet, the utilization of an expert resource management calendar can quickly address these issues.

Web-based resource calendars, offered by robust project management solutions such as GanttPRO, equip teams with a comprehensive view of resource availability, ensuring seamless project workflow. Give them a try and witness remarkable results.

If you want to know more details and insights about a resource calendar and explore a real-life example, read the full version of this article — https://blog.ganttpro.com/en/resource-calendar/.

