Go to GenerallyGood
a new blog about things that are generally good for us and the planet
Note from the editor

I’m a California native, living in Brooklyn, NY. I spend my 9–5pm, Monday-Friday thinking about how to build a more risk-resilience, financially-flexible social sector. But I spend a lot more than 40 hours a week thinking and learning about all things social and environmental impact. As a media and communications professional that’s spent nearly a decade in the social sector, I’ll be the first to admit we don’t make it easy to learn about the social impact world. Here, I’ll share what I’m learning about everything from social impact bonds to the most sustainable white T-shirt a person can buy, in hopes that everyone can better access ideas, products, and programs that are, generally, good.

Go to the profile of Bridgette G. Bugay
Bridgette G. Bugay
Little of this, little of that. Mostly focused on social & environmental impact. Maker, photographer, writer. CA native, recovering nomad | bridgettebugay.com