Archive of stories published by GerardMcLean

Start Here; Marginalia of my online life

Hey, glad you found me! Thank you for stopping by. Until Medium actually builds a real index that doesn’t mash all my comments and blatherings amidst my writings and calls all of it “stories,” this index page is where you should start if you are researching…

Gerard McLean, Résumé

Contact Info:
Social: @gerardmclean everywhere
| LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Medium 
Phone: +(937) 239–75XX (M), +(937) 836–6255 (O)
Locations: Dayton, OH; Kingston, NY; NYC; Viborg, Denmark

These were the top 10 stories published by GerardMcLean; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024.

The former I got tired of maintaining the tech bits and pieces of my blog, so I just moved everything here. My résumé if you want to give me lots of money and have me hang around all day.
More information