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Making Mimo
Making Mimo
Mimo makes learning to code easy on mobile and the web. Take a peek inside the minds of the engineers, designers, and teachers making it happen. https://getmimo.com/
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Coding with Confidence

Over the last months, we have been using Elm to build the new web app here at Mimo. We released the initial version back in January and are close to releasing the first significant update on the whole learning experience. Using Elm as the primary tool for building a web application is a…

Using Docker to create a local development environment for Azure SQL Database

At Mimo, we’re hosting all of our production data in Azure SQL Database. It’s pretty useful to use a copy of that production data for local development, to match the local environment as closely as…

What I’m missing from Azure App Service

Since we, at Mimo, write our backend with .NET Core and host it on Azure App Service, we experience a lot of awesomeness that App Service provided, but also a lot of the pain points that come with hosting a zero-downtime, highly-available service on it.

When enums have superpowers (Kotlin)

At Mimo, we have a weekly Show & Tell meeting where every team presents what they have worked…

When enums have superpowers (Swift)

At Mimo, we have a weekly Show & Tell meeting where every team presents what they have worked on…