Go to Tecla
Giving individuals with physical disabilities the ability to communicate, control, and connect with the world. Access technology, your way - www.gettecla.com
Note from the editor

Tecla is a set of hardware and software tools designed for anyone who can't easily use a smartphone, tablet or computer, including those with limited upper-body mobility resulting from spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, ALS, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, brain injuries, or stroke. The purpose of this publication is to create engaging content that furthers the message of accessibility in mainstream technology for the disability community.

Go to the profile of Megan Stangl
Go to the profile of Kaela Leone
Kaela Leone
Writer + Photographer kaelaleone.com
Go to the profile of Kaela Leone
Kaela Leone
Writer + Photographer kaelaleone.com
Go to the profile of Megan Stangl