Top Stories published by Notable Capital in 2017

To wall, or not to wall — the user sign up question

by Jason Costa

It’s an age old question for companies: when a user hits a site for the first time, do you throw up a registration wall, or do you expose the value freely to a user and let her decide if she’d like…

Google’s OpenSocial & lessons learned

by Jason Costa

It’s been fascinating to watch how a large incumbent, Facebook, has been effectively dealing with the threat of a rapidly growing upstart, Snap. Facebook, with all of their product prowess and constellation of social apps…

Top 10 Takeaways from the GGV User Growth Masterclass

by Jason Costa

A “Masterclass” is a GGV program focused on a functional discipline (Engineering, Design, Marketing, etc.), in which we’ll bring in domain experts across US and China who can share learnings

The Coming Global Cyber War

Originally published at on January 8, 2017 by Glenn Solomon, Managing Partner, GGV Capital.

In December 2015 I predicted that in ’16 we’d see a major cyber attack against the US on our soil perpetrated by an enemy of the state. With the…

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