2017 Year In Review

As has been my tradition for the last seven years now I like to spend a bit of time at the end of the year reflecting on the year that has been and looking ahead to the year that is ahead, and note down some of these reflections for posterity.


One week with my Google Pixel 2

Last week I traded my iPhone for a Google Pixel 2, after nine years of being a faithful iPhone fan. In the article I explained my reasons for wanting to switch away from Apple to Google. As it turns out, quite a few people have found themselves in the similar position of…

My problems with “utility-first” CSS

If you’ve not already read it yet, you should read Adam Wathan’s article on how he reached the conclusion that using utility classes was the best way to build consistent components in CSS. As I read the article I followed his conclusions and agreed with his…

2016 Year In Review

As has been my tradition for the last six years now, I like to spend a bit of time on the last day of the year to reflect, consider the year that has been and the year that is to come, and note down some of these reflections for posterity. What a year 2016 has been.

Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
Gilbert Pellegrom’s Blog
Software Engineer and Web Developer from Scotland
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