Top Stories published by ginsudo in February of 2009

still misunderstanding micropayments

Please, Shirky, don’t hurt me.

See, in the past Clay Shirky has expressed some healthy, justifiable skepticism about Second Life, or rather, the hype around SL in 2006–07. And on a scale of one to infinity, he knows about a googol (old

why O’Reilly can’t read

Tim O’Reilly is one of the few public figures in technology who honestly deserve the term “futurist.” He’s a vibrant speaker and thinker; every time I’ve seen him talk, he’s set my mind spinning around a universe of amazing ideas. The future is unevenly distributed because he’s got more…

“All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.”

With all the recent coverage of Twitter’s financing, and earlier news about the Twitter-Facebook acquisition dance, you might think that the two are destined to compete to the death.

apples to apples

Facebook turned 5 years old last week, and a couple of commentators took the opportunity to compare the company’s progress unfavorably to Google’s.

I understand the compulsion to compare every hot startup to the current media darling that literally put its name next to the…

culture wars

From the Department of Unsolicited Advice: Jack Flack gives Carol Bartz six pieces of advice as she tackles the Yahoo CEO job. Blodget likes all but the first, about reducing the friggin’ moxie, since a little pseudo-profanity makes his own job more entertaining.

bailout 2.0

I complained about auto industry bailouts and was chastised. Thomas Friedman says VCs should get bailed out and VCs say No No No. Then I realized that No is not enough of an answer. You have to propose an alternative, preferably one without the government deciding who gets the money. That’s not how we do

man bites App Store

A study that most iPhone apps fail is being picked up by credible news outlets. This is a classic abuse of the “Man Bites Dog” principle:

When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news.

at the base of every argument is the irrefutable fact that there is only one thing that everyone agrees upon
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