Archive of stories published by givemodo

Customizing your Donate Tab

Did you know you can change the name of the Donate app on your page? Instead of “Donate” — you can give your fans a different and specific call to action:

Changing the copy is easy. As the page admin, you can click on the “Edit Page” button. Then go to…

Unable to Donate as a Guest

When fundraising on Facebook, you’ll want to give your donors the option to give with their credit cards:


Donating by PayPal on Facebook

If you’re using the Facebook PayPal Donate App, and you choose the PayPal option. Your browser may be blocking a pop-up from PayPal. You will see this screen

But clicking “Go” does nothing. What you need to look for is a “Pop-up blocked” in the…

These were the top 10 stories published by givemodo; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016.

Helping non-profits and causes collect donations on Facebook
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