Top Stories published by Gmelius Blog #1 CRM in June of 2017

The original version of this article “How to make your follow up emails more effective” can be found on Gmelius Official Blog.

How to make your follow up emails more effective?

Sales emails are an essential tool in any business. Whether used for cold outreach or to…

Gmail Security — steps to protect your account

Did you know that 64% of Americans have personally experienced a major data breach?

However, a majority of Americans still do not take steps for cybersecurity with 39% of people reusing passwords across several platforms…

The original version of this article “How to use templates for email collaboration?” can be found on Gmelius Official Blog.

How to use templates for email collaboration?

Templates are an easy solution to save time on repetitive emails such as quotes, cold outreach…

Gmelius Blog #1 CRM
Gmelius is the first lightweight and collaborative CRM for SMEs.
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