Archive of stories published by godosteps

How high fiving strangers helps me design products

In November 2015 I attended Producthunt Hackathon in London. More than 100 designers, developers and startup interested people were gathered to create something with the potential to empower a community.
My team and I won a 2nd place with our…

How not to do an investor call

Steps, an app helping you overcome social anxiety launched on Product Hunt in February and gained a remarkable amount of downloads and daily active users. Last month, we published the numbers, so if you’d like to hear about these, read here.

It’s official

Earlier this year we launched Steps. Steps is an app helping people battle social anxiety using principles from exposure therapy. Now…

These were the top 10 stories published by godosteps; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, and 2018.