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Go Modules

Google Cloud - Community
Google Cloud - Community
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Golang Modules & Immutability #2

Yesterday, I explored some ways to take advantage of an immutable Golang package store using Docker and Cloud Build. It seems as though there may be a way to take advantage of this immutability using deconstructed multi-stage builds.

Golang Modules & Immutability

Yesterday, I wrote a summary of my recent switch to Go Modules. In the conclusion, I wrote that I’m moving to a single ${GOPATH} across my projects. One of the advantages of Modules is that, a package version should be immutable. This implies that, once you’ve pulled the…

Google Trillian for Noobs (1a)

The Missing Manuals series

Last week I documented what I hope is the simplest possible Trillian personality. This is an interim post as I realized I’d missed some important functionality in my sample, an inclusion proof: effectively…