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AndroidX Media3
AndroidX Media3
The Media3 developer blog
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Load error handling in ExoPlayer

ExoPlayer version 2.9 provides error handling customization via LoadErrorHandlingPolicy. Historically, error handling has been one of the less flexible aspects of ExoPlayer. By using custom implementations of the LoadErrorHandlingPolicy interface, apps can now tweak load…

New Cast extension (and demo app)

If your app already uses ExoPlayer, you will be happy to know that integrating Cast into your app has just become a bit easier, as it now implements the Player interface. Version 2.7 includes the new Cast extension along with a demo app to use as starting point.

Faster HLS preparation

My last medium story outlines some good practices that HLS content producers can follow to make client-side media playback easier. This post aims to describe how chunkless preparation in ExoPlayer can now take advantage of rich master playlists to shorten the initial buffering period by…