Archive of stories published by AndroidX Media3

The MediaSession extension for ExoPlayer

The Android MediaSession API provides an abstract model with which clients can interact to monitor and control media playback via MediaController and its TransportControls. Clients like Google Assistant, Android Auto, Android TV and Android Wear use the…

Downloading Streams

There have been major changes since the writing of this post please see the new page on our developer site for the latest information on downloading.

Recently we have added support for downloading DASH, HLS and SmoothStreaming non-live streams in addition to…

Playing ads with ExoPlayer and IMA

The ExoPlayer 2.5 release includes a new extension for playing ads, wrapping the Interactive Media Ads SDK (IMA). This post describes how to get started with the extension and explains some of its benefits compared to a using IMA directly.

Load error handling in ExoPlayer

ExoPlayer version 2.9 provides error handling customization via LoadErrorHandlingPolicy. Historically, error handling has been one of the less flexible aspects of ExoPlayer. By using custom implementations of the LoadErrorHandlingPolicy interface, apps can now tweak load…

These were the top 10 stories published by AndroidX Media3; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.