Go to Green TechStyle
Green TechStyle
Sharing information and technology to help you live a sustainable lifestyle
Note from the editor

We want to debunk all the misinformation around green living and write about the cool new products and technologies that can help both people and businesses make a positive impact.

Go to the profile of Dagna Oliwa
Dagna Oliwa
Co-founder of Green TechStyle and marketer for sustainable businesses. I’ve had the opportunity to understand the great environmental crisis facing us today.
Go to the profile of Dany L. Warman
Dany L. Warman
Co-founder of Green TechStyle and owner of Warman Consulting, which helps companies develop or improve their marketing and sustainability strategies.
Go to the profile of Tine Cato
Tine Cato
Cleantech ambassador with experience as CEO, board member and advisor to several startups. Currently based in Stockholm with my husband.