
Aggie’s Love Language is Laughter, So We Found Some Good Humor For Her

Magic Monday: Celebrating Our Favorite Pieces of Satire and GP News (Week of 29 January 2024)


GIF by Stefanie Shank

In Remembrance Of My Au Pair, The Poltergeist

by Katherine Shaw and OUR VERY OWN Cassie Soliday (Defenestration) Bank Heist (ENTRY LEVEL, BILINGUAL ENCOURAGED TO APPLY)

by Fran Bixby (Belladonna)

How to Throw Your Cancer Reveal Party

by Kyrie Gray (Jane Austen’s Wastebasket)

Surprise — You’re Now Subscribed to My Substack!

by Annabelle Gurwitch (Shouts & Murmurs)

A Comparative Analysis of Trevor’s Mom: Age Estimation Methodology

by B. McGraw (Robot Butt)

In Other News:

  • Aggie successfully found the tennis ball she’d been looking for — it was stuck underneath the couch
  • Make sure to wish our Amy Currul a Happy Belated Birthday!

