From the time I was an 11 year old sixth grader (Winter 1964) all throughout my life, I had a dream to someday be a writer, but then…
What did I do in rural Georgia for fun during that school year? I thought it would be fun to…
What did it feel like being a sixth grader in 1960s southwest Georgia? I can recapture some of those feelings based on the diary entries I kept from that time period.
On January 22, 1964 I wrote in my diary, “Today President Kennedy has been dead for two…
My knowledge of my grandmother’s life touches another era most definitely. She was…
I shared a small snippet of my diary entry in the previous post 1963/1964 Small Town GA Happenings.
I saw the movie Selma in the early springtime of 2015. I was moved in a way that only a few films in my lifetime…
As I look through my 1964 diary writings, I am reminded of the varied roles that women…
At 11 years old in southwest GA and being in a family with both parents working, I…