What is Haml? you ask. To the extent I’ve been using it, it’s a way to write out HTML and Ruby’s ERB, in a much more…
I anxiously hopped onto a bus early monday morning to ensure I wasn’t late to my first day of class. I was excited. I was stressed. I was prepared to buckle down and bang my head against a wall until it moved if that’s what it took to get into web development. I expected a very…
I was a bit hesitant to attend female-only meet ups. All I could imagine is something crazy from the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. But now I get it.
When I left my last job, I had multiple people tell me I should check out groups like Women Who Code or Girl…
Typically, software developers have been grouped into one of two groups: chino wearing, “how did you get your style?” front-end and f*ck-you flip-flop wearing, “how did you figure that out?” back-end. However, the rise of tech industry buzzwords such as “machine-learning”, “big-data”, and…
As this post has continued to develop in my head, I thought back to when Android’s…
Atom is my new friend. I may be only three weeks into gSchool, but I have spent hours upon hours staring at code in Atom. And like any new friend, I have decided to make the effort to get to know it on a deeper level.
I used to play online poker professionally (2009–2011) and it involved making multiple decisions in a limited amount of time. I was fast. My speed was a great strength in certain situations and a great weakness in others. By playing more hands faster I was making more…
First off you should be doing all your work in a new branch. Once you’re code is ready for production run your…
These were the top 10 stories published by gSchool Stories in 2014. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.