Poor coordination of data affects interdiction operations
[1] Our beneficiaries are not patrol boat units — they’re the patrol coordinators in the command centers. (4.03, 4.08)
[2] Areas of operation do not overlap between USCG patrol stations, reducing the…
After traveling to the MCC and JHOC, we have concluded that Not detecting vessels is a far bigger problem than losing vessels in pursuit. We confirmed that the fundamental problem is domain awareness. Agencies involved in interdiction including the Coast Guard and CBP acknowledge…
[1] On Scheduling Issue: “This is my struggle”. (2.11) Scheduling on assets (both people and equipment) is difficult to coordinate among agencies, thereby reducing the effectiveness with which DHS is able to identify illicit…
After this past week of interviewing various agencies at the local, state, and federal level involved in interdictions and hearing their sometimes conflicting priorities and conflicting concerns, team IntellieSense will be headed down to San Diego and Orange County, where we will…
To understand where and in what form visualizing patrols could inform patrol scheduling, our team’s goal this week is to understand the day in a life of a scheduler and patrolling unit— how are patrol routes planned? how do patrols get…
To prepare for the first full week we are utilizing all of the great visitors to class to help find contacts and focus primarily on who the beneficiaries would be. Given that so many people last week talked about the importance of data sharing and the dearth of it occurring across…