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HackMIT Stories
HackMIT Stories
Stories from MIT's largest undergraduate hackathon.
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How HackMIT Is Going Virtual

As Jamie pointed out in her blogpost on Wednesday, HackMIT is just around the corner! Many of you may be…

Time-Traveling in the Puzzlelorean: The HackMIT 2017 Puzzle Guide Pt. 2

Part 2 of 1, 2

Welcome to part 2 of the HackMIT 2017 puzzle guide! Check out part [1] if you haven’t already!

The DeLorean Codes

The HackMIT 2016 Puzzle — Part Deux

A puzzle for hackers, snackers, and slackers.

(part 2 of [1, 2])

After geohashing and NoSQL injection in the first two puzzles, puzzlers confronted had to escape velociraptors using a…

The HackMIT 2016 Puzzle

A puzzle for hackers, snackers, and slackers.

(part 1 of [1, 2])

We return to you this year for our third round of the HackMIT admissions puzzle! The purpose of the puzzle was to identify motivated…

Blueprint 2016 Results

Thanks so much to everyone who came to Blueprint, HackMIT’s high school learnathon and hackathon! It was such a pleasure to see so many bright students working on such cool projects. The teams below were selected through our judging system as this year’s Blueprint winners. Here are their…