Recipe #7: track your C-Ratio on Maker

Manlio Poltronieri
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2020

Last week we unveiled HAL v1, which makes it easier and more fun to create automation thanks to Recipes: a new, collaborative way to create and share your favorite triggers.

Today’s recipe is for Maker, and it allows you to track your Vault C-Ratio so you can stay away from liquidations.

Tracking your C-Ratio

Head over to

When you enter your address, HAL will automatically fetch the Vaults associated to it and show you a breakdown of Vault type, collateral value, debt, C-Ratio and liquidation price 🔥

Use the “Track” button to select a Vault (or copy the ID manually in the Vault ID field) and put the threshold. The recommended threshold is 300%.

Now you only need to connect your action. For example, to receive an email simply click on the “Send an Email” button:

The pre-filled message already has everything you need in it. If you want to tweak it using our template system, you’ll find the documentation on our Gitbook.

Click the “create” button and you’re set!

Email was just an example — you can connect as many actions you want to your new trigger. We support webhooks, Email, Twitter, Telegram, Discord, or Slack — and soon, on-chain actions as well!

What’s next

We’re on a roll integrating some of the most popular DeFi platforms: we already have recipes for PoolTogether, Aave, Compound, Loopring, Synthetix and thanks to Chainlink we even track gas prices.

You can also consider supporting us on Gitcoin! 🙏🏽

Watch this space for new recipes coming soon and tell us what else you want to see on HAL next!

Where to go from here

We’re going to release several new recipes over the next days, but we’d also love to hear from you which recipe you’d like to see next by filling the Typeform here.

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