Archive of stories published by Happy Coffee

Making Random Acts of Kindness Purposeful

As Jonathan Haidt says in his book The Happiness Hypothesis: “If you do a random act of kindness for a stranger and it’s a one-shot deal, there’s much less likelihood that you’re going to see any benefit.”


One of our core values at Happy Coffee is gratitude. We are constantly grateful for both the big and the small things in our life.

This morning while searching for blog topics, I had two nudges in my inbox. One from the Positive Psychology Program about gratitude, and the other from…

Happy Coffee — So much more than just a cup of coffee

Two years ago our co-founder Sarah “won” a prize of £10.00 with my answer to the question

“How would you use £10.00 to make the world a happier place?”

Happy Coffee
We believe that by doing a small thing, you can create happiness. We’re starting by delivering one cup of happiness at a time.
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