Fighting Stage Fright

By Tom McQuaid

In my younger days I performed quite a bit. I liked rehearsing and being on stage.

Staying Cultured

By Leigh Nash

When many think about agency culture, they think: ping pong…

Reading, more or less

By Michael Johnson

“Don’t read trash.” This was the last thing Pulitzer Prize winner Marilynne Robinson said to the audience at Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn after a…

Positive Change

By Dana Pavlichko

This is the natural time for reflection on the coming year. I’ve been thinking about how to use my New Year’s goals at work, as a designer, to create positive changes for others.

Connecting KPIs to goals and objectives

By Dave DeRuchie

On October 5, 2016 I published an article in Cognition entitled Deciphering goals and objectives.

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Cognition by Happy Cog®
Happy Cog Creates and Amplifies Meaningful Digital Content to Engage Audiences by Design. Staring at Screens Since 1999.
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