How I Maintain an Ultra-Clean Diet Without Wasting Any Willpower

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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2 min readFeb 27, 2021

We all have a pretty good idea of the foods we should and shouldn’t allow into our bodies. The problem is getting ourselves to act on this knowledge.

This basic problem has haunted me for more than a decade. It took hundreds of incremental improvements, but six months ago, I finally achieved perfection. This week’s article shares the 10 steps that made it happen:

  1. Identify your true Why. Start by figuring out how a healthy diet links to one or more of your deepest values.
  2. Actively pursue the pleasures of healthy living. Healthy living is much more fun than unhealthy living. Embrace these joys!
  3. Understand the root of the problem. Escape the Matrix, Neo. Those colorful packets of instant pleasure are society’s costliest burden.
  4. Clean your home environment. Never allow cheap empty calories into your healthy living fortress. A gradual detox can help.
  5. Discover zero-compromise foods. A diet can be healthy, tasty, practical, and affordable all at once. Building yours is an awesome investment.
  6. Kick out table sugar and other sweeteners. To all sugar addicts: This is easier and more rewarding than you can ever imagine.
  7. Protect yourself against binging. Set up three simple habits to help you “hara hachi bu.”
  8. Use your irrepressible cravings for personal growth. Your worst cravings can be your best teachers. Listen to them.
  9. Make the world a better place. A healthy diet benefits the world in so many ways. Discover them to make health part of your identity.
  10. Measure for motivation, not pressure. Forget about society’s unrealistic beauty standards. Focus only on your health and the rest will follow.

It’s hard to imagine a better boost to your health and happiness than a willpower-free ultra-clean diet. Start building yours today!

Have an HHWPS weekend!


