A Science Fiction Book Almost Ruined My Life

I recently read the book Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. I’ve tried to sum up my thoughts before and can’t quite do it. Instead, I’ll just copy and paste Rick Klau’s apt Goodreads review of it.

What a mind-bending, entirely…

#FatherFridays: Drop your phone; pick up your kids.

Over the last few months, I’ve gone through tons of weird medical stuff, quit my job and decided to move to Utah, and basically questioned everything I know about the universe.

It’s been exhilarating.

On to the next one:

On Home and Dreams

Last week, I wrote a post about how I got sick, had to go through tons of medical tests, thought I was dying but wasn’t, and how the experience made me see the world differently and question things I hadn’t questioned in a long time. The…

The Cracked Lookinglass
The Cracked Lookinglass
“Gather me into the artifice of eternity”
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