On Education and Regulations and Innovation

Yesterday, Bitmaker Labs announced via their website that they have discontinued operating their web development program. This action is due to an ongoing investigation from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), which may have led…

How to turn your Wordpress site into a Windows 8 app — for free!

As part of Ladies Learning Code’s partnership with Microsoft this year, we’re working on helping beginners to launch apps in the Windows 8 app store. Part 1 of our effort involved workshops in Toronto, Vancouver and…

Girls and Video Games

Last summer, we ran a week of Girls Learning Code summer camp that focused on game design. Once again hosted by Mozilla, the camp gave 40 girls the chance to collaborate in teams to design and develop their own platformer game using Stencyl. We split the girls into groups based on their…

Learn to Code in 2013: A List of Toronto’s In-Person Learning Opportunities

(Originally posted on the HackerYou blog on January 4, 2012)

If you’ve decided that 2013 is the year you’re finally going to learn to code, you’re in luck! There have never…

Heather Payne
Heather Payne
The personal blog of Heather Payne
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