A HelloGold Token Sale walkthrough

Harith Kamarul
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2017
walkthroughs aren’t just for games

Entering the crypto world is intimidating for many, and much more so to participate in a Token Sale. It’s even more intimidating when you are required to register Know Your Customer (KYC) details.

To help supporters through the many steps involved we’ve produced a set of guides to walk them through the process using two of the most used services in the market, Coinbase and MyEtherWallet, as examples.

The guides broadly cover the different steps required to participate in a Token Sale. They are listed below and will be updated as new walkthroughs are created:

  1. Set up an Exchange account to change fiat into crypto

2. Buying ETH from an Exchange

3. Setting up an address on a wallet that supports participating in Token Sales

4. Transferring ETH from an Exchange to a wallet

5. Completing HelloGold Token Sale Registration

6. Sending ETH to the Token Sale address

We hope these steps will help you nagivate through the entire process of supporting the Token Sale. Please let us know if any of these need further clarification!

