Henry Mascot
Henry IfeanyiChukwu Mascot
3 min readJan 30, 2019

2017 | 2018 | 2019| 2020 | 2021

2017 was a turn around year for me in terms of consuming books.

Over the years I have grown a thirst for knowledge, books are the prime source of getting this knowledge.

Unfortunately, I was not always able to finish the books, I start.

I would buy a book, start reading it but never find the time to finish it to the very end.

I was mostly able to finish short books, or deep fiction like Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones etc.

I switched to ebooks because of the ability to have them on my phone always but that didn't stick as well.

Fast forward to 2017, I started buying books on Amazon’s Audible and it showed me the power of listening to books instead of reading them.

Meaning I could now listen to them as I cook, and do house chores while walking etc.

This realization because of life-altering as I am now able to pick up the books I have always wanted to read and listen to them.

I was able to go from 5 about a year to 25 this year, and I am sure in the coming years I’ll scale this numbers considerably.

Here are the most impressionable ones I read:

Before Disrupting Healthcare — Background story of the innovation history of American healthcare.

The Peter Principle — A book about how people will keep ascending to higher levels of competence until they get to a place where they are incompetent then they stop growing. Teaches you to strategically plan your promotions so you don’t handicap your growth.

The Alchemist — We are all on a personal journey in our life. The Alchemist is an archetype of a purpose-driven life.

MomTest — When you start a company you need to make sure you are solving a problem, that involves a lot of customer interactions and validations. Here lie proven strategies for conducting interviews without biasing your interviewees.

The Richest Man in Babylon — A constant must read for everybody and anybody who wants to prosper financially. This book breaks the principles on financial prosperity down into digestible stories played out in ancient Babylon.

Bold — To change the world requires a sort of “bold” thinking. This book explores the technologies that are disrupting how business works. It shares ideas on how entrepreneurs can upgrade their way of thinking from 1,2X to 10,100x. This is one of the most impactful books I read this year.

Flow — There is a state at which we produce “god level” work. It is a state of hyperfocus and extreme mental performance. At this state called “Flow”, we are in tune with the universe and can do the impossible in an enjoyable manner.

Five Love Languages (Singles Edition) — I read this book a couple of years ago, and it was very instructive on how we can show our loved ones we love them how they feel love and not how we think. The Singles Edition uses examples that are more relatable to people who are yet to be married.

As a Man Thinketh — We are a sum total of our thoughts. James Allen writes a masterpiece breaking down this very old idea into digestible chunks. This is a book we should all read every couple of months. I added it to my list of recurring reads every few weeks.

Antifragile — Nassim Taleb's Antifragile made the most impression on me out of all the reads. It is a very deep and intellectual book.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

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