Save Time with WebStorm Live Templates

Do you write the same code over and over? Automate the process.

At Hexient Labs, we write a lot of React and Redux. In the process, we frequently write the following functions:

const mapStateToProps = state =>…

React Animation HOC

Extensible and easy, courtesy of GSAP.

What is GSAP

The GreenSock Animation Project is a great way to integrate animations into any web project. They produce some awesome libraries that you’ve probably heard of like TweenMax.

Simple GraphQL Enums

A simple way to use constants in your GraphQL and Database Schemas.

Over the past year, Hex Labs has gone all in on GraphQL. We love the strongly-typed guarantees, introspection capabilities, and granular analytics it enables.

Mind-blowingly Easy React Animations


A Journey into Animations

At Hexient Labs, we’ve been writing React and React Native apps for a couple years. In all this time, we’ve been searching for the “killer” solution to…

Tiny thoughts from the team at Hexient Labs
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