Day 202 / 2018 — We Have DevTools. What About DesignTools and more design and frontend links

Top design and frontend links from my daily curation at HeyDesigner

Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2018


We Have DevTools. What About DesignTools?

The DevTools in all current modern browsers provide a valuable set of instruments for web developers to create, inspect and debug their work — by Razvan Caliman // filed in Apps & Tools

The 6 Types of Product Teams You’ll Be Working In

When I get an offer to join a product team, I spend the following days or even weeks considering many different parameters — by Ariel Verber // filed in Product Management

Know Whiteboards, Know Design

The best tool for visual thinking. Visual thinking — and its sibling, visual communication — are foundational skills for interaction designers — by Alan Cooper // filed in Design Process

Eliminating the Product Owner Role

“The Product Owner role no longer exists” I recently announced to an entire department in a large company. A few POs looked a bit shocked and concerned. What would they do instead? — by Joshua Kerievsky // filed in Product Management

The Rise of the UX Researcher

What do all successful businesses have in common? They cater to their users. They don’t just guess at what the customer wants — by // filed in UX Design

How to Create Future-Proof Design System and Make it Easily Accessible for the Product Team

I’m lucky enough to be responsible for the design of an awesome product. It’s based on machine learning technology — or AI as some people prefer to call it — by Jakub Sroka (Pan Sroka) // filed in Design System

The Holy Grail Of Reusable Components: Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, And NPM

This article looks at augmenting HTML with components that have built-in functionality and styles. We’ll also learn how to make these custom elements reusable across projects using NPM — by Oliver Williams // filed in Accessibility, HTML & CSS, Javascript

Stuff You Can Do With pointer-events

pointer-events is mostly used to bypass click events on an element. But did you know you can reset the pointer events of descendant elements? This allows us to do some interesting things — by Martijn Cuppens // filed in HTML & CSS

React Component Patterns

Inspired by a technical talk I’m giving for a Meetup, I wanted to take a moment and share what I’ve learned on React component patterns — by William Whatley // filed in React.js

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