Top Stories published by Hootsuite Engineering in 2016

How to write a Jenkins Plugin

Jenkins plugins allow you to extend the Jenkins build system to do almost anything. Jenkins in Italian? Sì. Replace Jenkins with Chuck Norris? You bet. Almost every feature used in building code on Jenkins is a plugin — in fact, even things like LDAP logins can be handled…

How To Use Terraform and Remote State with S3

Terraform is a tool developed by HashiCorp that allows you to build your infrastructure using code. At Hootsuite, we are using Terraform to build new infrastructure in an auditable and maintainable way.

Writing Kotlin Idiomatic Code

Kotlin, a new JVM language created by Jetbrains, is quickly becoming the go-to programming language used for Android development at Hootsuite. Its many features and Java interoperability make writing code much faster, cleaner, and less verbose. However, without being aware of…

sbt-swagger for Scala

The Problem

A result of migrating our monolithic system towards microservices in the last couple of years is 20+ internal services (so far). Many of these services lacked great API documentation, the kind where our developers could easily grasp all endpoints…

How to Load Images in Android Using Glide

Up until recently, loading images on Hootsuite’s Android app had been done via Volley, an asynchronous networking library. We now use a library purpose-built for image loading and caching called Glide. Given the recent change, it seemed worthwhile to…

These were the top 10 stories published by Hootsuite Engineering in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.