America’s professional soccer league, Major League Soccer (MLS) is currently in its post-season, with the first round just…
“On the line!”
Spending our courage for another and sharing our courage with another are very different phenomena
This is often a new-employee experience, yet all of us are susceptible to having moments when…
In 2016, Rear Admiral Peg Klein, then Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for Military Professionalism, visited a…
I love Minor League Baseball. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of nights…
Several years ago, the movie 300 captivated audiences with its portrayal of the legendary Battle of Thermopylae (480 BCE), a key…
One of the most important aspects of being a successful leader is knowing what you don’t know…which…
Change… the word alone can cause some people to cringe and others to become energized. Stability, process, innovation…are…
Our son is walking a grueling road, and we abandoned our rally cry quite some time ago.
That cohesion is necessary for teams to achieve success at the highest level is no secret. The ability of team members to “stick…
In leadership, doubt often gets a bad rap. Doubt is frequently seen as a sign of weakness or…
“Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone…
Change can be scary, especially in our organizations. However, change and development are necessary for an…
On July 4th, people across the country come together to celebrate Independence Day, marking the…
My friend Nick is gifted at painting pictures. Yet he’s not a painter, technically. Though I suppose some may call…
“When you lose a parent, the world is off its axis and it never rights itself.” — Paul Rudd
This is supposed to be a leadership blog, I know.