Go to House Sitting
House Sitting
How to get started with house sitting and use it to travel
Note from the editor

My partner Denyse and I started house sitting in 2011. During that time we have had visit many amazing places around the world and had some fantastic experiences. In this publication you will find a series of articles covering everything about house sitting, including how to get started, the pros and cons, an outline of some of our most favourite sits. In the comments you can raise any issues and concerns that you may have about house sitting so that we can address them.

Go to the profile of Dr Paul Anderson
Dr Paul Anderson
Retired Computer Science professor and consultant. Interests include trading, technology, travel, AI and telling funny stories.
Go to the profile of Pisces Traveller
Pisces Traveller
Semi retired house sitter, social worker, charity volunteer, have a hospitality and office administration background, retired Easter Bunny (now that’s a story)