Ikea cooking with scraps recipe book

Remember how I talked about making vegetable broth with kitchen scraps? Well, Ikea has now done me one (or many) better: They have a free, downloadable recipe book specifically about cooking with kitchen scraps.

How I invest (part 1 of many)

Heard of bitcoin? Non-fungible tokens? Ethereum? Dogecoin? Naked short selling? Credit default swaps? How much of those do you understand? A lot? Maybe not so much? Because I will freely admit, there’s a lot I don’t understand in there.

Your biggest expense might not be what you think it is

Budgeting is important. It helps you see where your money is going and why, and it helps you control those flows in and out of your wallet and bank account. Maybe your biggest expense is your mortgage or your rent. Maybe it’s…

Tracking your expenses (Budgeting 201)

I’ve laid out my basic budgeting system before. It’s a simple, workable strategy that keeps me living within my means and saving money every month without driving me crazy with numbers constantly dancing around in my head and occupying my attention.

Use what you’ve got pt 2 (or why do you even have it)

I’ve talked before about using things that you have to try to squeeze every last drop of usefulness out of things. (My husband jokes that I have a vegetable stock factory in our kitchen, I make it so often.) But now I want to ask you an…

How I Money
How I Money
A (very) personal finance blog, detailing what I do with my own money and why, and how that might be of help to other people looking to save, invest and spend wisely.
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