Chapter 12: Thatcher’s Reservoir Version 2

Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry DEX
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2022

My dear Huckleberry friends,

Much has happened in the past couple months. Due to sustained choppy waters on our dear ol’ Moonriver, the Huckleberry drifters demanded a change in course. Followin’ a hotly contested Governance vote, we have collectively decided on a destination: Clover 🍀. And while I will have much more to share about our plans for Polkadot’s most promisin’ EVM-compatible parachain, today remains about Moonriver.

First, let me just say it outright: just because we are deployin’ our community DEX (and lendin’ platform!) on Clover, it does not mean we are abandonin’ Moonriver. We will continue to support our original home to the best of our abilities.

Case in point? Thatcher’s Reservoir Version 2.

Released in late December 2021, the original Thatcher’s Reservoir marked the dawn of a new era for Huckleberry as we became the first platform to offer a fully-fledged, in-house DEX and lendin’ protocol on Moonriver. At the time, we teased that an upgraded version with extra rewards and liquidity incentives for lendin’ AND borrowin’ was comin’.

Well, the time has finally arrived!

Beginnin’ today, any drifter who either lends or borrows assets on Thatcher’s Reservoir will receive $FINN rewards.

Some important details

  • Total supply: 1,000,000 $FINN
  • Time horizon: 3 years
  • Emissions: Decreases every 6 months. Each 6-month period emits about 75% less than the previous period.
  1. Period 1: 304,128 FINN
  2. Period 2: 228,096 FINN
  3. Period 3: 171,072 FINN
  4. Period 4: 128,304 FINN
  5. Period 5: 96,228 FINN
  6. Period 6: 72,171 FINN
  • Other: 100% of emissions are given to Thatcher’s Reservoir lenders and borrowers.


Rewards are distributed between different markets usin’ an adjustable weighting scheme. To begin, the following weights will be used:

Prior Writin’

Let the river guide you

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