Jaisalmer and the desert in pictures

Hortense Huez
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2020

We spent a magical night in the desert before coming back to the reality of Covid with an emergency return to France… see you in a few weeks for new adventures, we hope!

Cenotaph near our hotel in Jaisalmer
The Jaisalmer reservoir
Lots of Ganeshes!
The gold city and its fort
The stone works is amazing, looks like stone lace!
Women are working and cows are lounging
Homework with a beautiful view of the fort in the background
Nice restaurant on the fort walls
And stocking up on Chupa Chups sour strips!
And we're going on our desert adventure! Camel ride first (see Raphael's blog)
Relaxing on the camel! (see Apolline's blog in French)
Before having lots of fun in the dunes!
The children gave names to our camels, this one is "Le chef"
Could we ask for a better bedroom? the night under the stars in comfy beds is magical!
Last minutes of play in the dunes before coming back to reality…

