Top Stories published by Humanist Voices in July of 2017

Americans becoming more secular

Scott Douglas Jacobsen

According to Salon, some of the reason for the animosity of the United States, internally, comes from the increasing secularization of the public. Many Trump voters do not like this. Others disagree. The secular movement in…

Freedom of Thought in the US: Humanism, and the Constitution and Free Expression

Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Humanism is a progressive philosophy affirming the responsibility and right for neutrality in government towards religious matters, as well as…

An Interview with Kato Mukasa — Board Member, IHEU

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Was there a family background in humanism?

Mukasa: Yes, but the background was never very directly linked to humanism as I know it to day but it as more to do with awakening my critical…

An Anonymous Interview with a Gay Ex-Muslim

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Is there an embassy or someplace which can help with a visa and travel to at least a more moderate country?

Anonymous Gay Ex-Muslim: I basically belong from Pakistan and currently living in Saudi Arabia…

These were the top 10 stories published by Humanist Voices in July of 2017. You can also dive into daily archives for July of 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.