Qualitative Research and RQDA Package

In the first reading of this week, the authors conclude: “Qualitative research has much to offer. Its methods can, and do, enrich our knowledge of health and health care. It is not, however, an easy option or the route to a quick answer”. It reminds me of last…

Bayesian Style: BEST vs. t-test in [R]

This week’s paper argues that many researchers choose Bayesian models to describe how people perform cognitive tasks, however they deploy non-Bayesian reasoning methods to make inferences from data. Based on my knowledge, I know that by “mortmain of 20th…

Human Systems Data
Human Systems Data
Human Systems Engineering 598 is a graduate level methods course on data analytics with human subjects data at Arizona State University. The instructor is Dr. Erin Chiou, Assistant Professor of Human Systems Engineering.
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