IAM Weekend 17: The Renaissance of Utopias — A closer look at Post-Labels

In this series, we’ll be diving deeper into the sessions of IAM Weekend 17, our third annual event exploring the futures of internet cultures, media, learning and arts. Here, we take a look at the ideas and speakers behind the Post-Labels session.

IAM Journal
4 min readApr 11, 2017



As the youngest member of the IAM Family, Elise by Olsen, said at IAM Weekend 16: “We are becoming borderless and genderless, and it’s time to work towards being ageless, too.”

This year, we’re addressing exactly that:

👉How do we prevent and break algorithmic, mental and physical ‘Berlin walls’?

👉How do we encourage a coexistence of generations, identities and disciplines going forward?

👉How can we use the internet to challenge cultural stereotypes and embrace more sustainable planetary thinking?

Meet the speakers who will be exploring these questions:

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh

IAM Weekend 17 Speaker: Amani Al-Khatahtbeh

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh is the founder and editor-in-chief of MuslimGirl.com, the #1 Muslim women’s blog in the United States. She regularly provides commentary on social, cultural, and political issues on outlets like CNN, Al Jazeera, and the BBC, and has been featured in The New York Times, The Guardian, and made Forbes “30 Under 30” list. She is a frequent speaker on issues pertaining to women, Islam, and the Arab world, and in 2016 she her debut book was published, entitled Muslim Girl: A Coming Of Age.

👉 Read Amani’s full bio

Vanessa Wruble

Behind-the-scenes of organising the Women’s March, where IAM Weekend 17 Speaker Vanessa Wruble was Director of Operations.

Vanessa Wruble is Co-Founder of Okayafrica and Former Director of Operations for the Women’s March. She is driven by a desire to right the imbalance of power, fight on behalf of all marginalised people and to ensure the end of structural patriarchy. After first arriving in Africa to work in humanitarian aid, she swapped this work for deep immersion into the many, unique cultures of the continent, and has dedicated her life to producing socially relevant media, political organising, and redefining the global narrative of modern African culture.

👉 Read Vanessa’s full bio

Eliza Anyangwe

Eliza Anyangwe is founder of The Nzinga Effect, a new platform that empowers African women and women of African descent to tell their own stories with their own, strong voices. She began her journalism career in 2009 at The Guardian, which included two years as editor of the Global Development Professionals Network. She has since moved into a freelance writing and commissioning editor role, allowing her to further challenge outdated narratives of African women and the African diaspora through The Nzinga Effect.

👉 Read Eliza’s full bio

Per Christiansen

‘momondo — The DNA Journey feat. Karen’, part of the campaign co-created by IAM Weekend 17 Speaker Per Christiansen

Per Christiansen is Global Head of Marketing for the travel search engine Momondo. He leads a Marketing and Communications team of 35 people responsible for global marketing strategies, campaigns, media & insight, partnerships & activations, content, and social media. Per regularly contributes thought leadership to marketing events and award juries, and has recently been awarded Marketer of the Year 2016 in Denmark, is a member of the M List, and has recently received high recognition for the campaign ‘momondo — The DNA Journey’.

👉 Read Per’s full bio

Lara Costafreda

IAM Weekend 17 speaker Lara Costafreda is a c0-coordinator of Casa Nostra Casa Vostra. (Turn subtitles on for ENG.)

Lara Costafreda is a freelance illustrator and a co-coordinator of Casa Nostra Casa Vostra (Our house is your house), the organisation behind the march in Barcelona last February in support of refugees that over 160,000 people took part in.

Having worked in fashion and illustration all her life, Lara and a group of others working in communication and design travelled to Greece to visit the refugee camps there, and on returning, felt they had to denounce what they had seen. This led them to set up Casa Nostra Casa Vostra, which is sharing stories of refugee stuck in Greek camps — ’halted lives’ — and campaigning for better treatment and allowing more refugees to come to Spain.

👉 Read Lara’s full bio

Learn more about our research theme: The Renaissance of Utopias and the other sessions of IAM Weekend 17 here:

🔮 The Renaissance of Utopias: Inventing What Happens Next

🔮 A closer look at Post-Contemporary

🔮 A closer look at Post-Work

🔮 A closer look at Post-Advertising

🔮 A closer look at Post-Reality

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